THE WAIT IS FINALLY OVER!!! After six long years, Rough House Publishing announces the release of the FINAL ISSUE of their trilogy of 1980’s horror comic book anthologies with, GORE SHRIEK RESURRECTUS VOLUME THREE! Rough House Publishing and Fantaco Enterprises ensures that THIS IS THE ONE YOU’VE BEEN SHRIEKING FOR! And if you thought the “Resurrection” was a shocker …just wait until the funeral!
GORE SHRIEK RESURRECTUS VOLUME THREE, scheduled for release in Spring 2025, promises to be a darker and dirtier affair, but not in the way you might imagine. It’s a very traditional, black-ink style, full analog comic book experience. It’s got all of what the entire series made great about holding an indie horror comic in your hands for the very first time. Yes, THIS issue certainly lives up to its title, but these stories hold an incredible amount of weight, poignancy, relevance and sometimes a howl-and-a-half of dark humor. It’s not just sheer exploitation as the title would suggest. Much like other contemporaries of the ilk (Slow Death and Deviant Slice comix) , there have always been sociopolitical messages if you are looking for them, otherwise, you can make good use of the barf bag we made for ya’, and bring a mop for whatever is left after the spill!
Like the previous two entries, Gore Shriek Resurrectus Volume Three will be available with two separate covers, both drawn by Rough Master General, Derek Rook, coined the “Oh-My-Gory” Cover A and the equally pulpy, “Yep, Still Gory” Cover B. So if you thought we forgot what you came for, Rough House is making things as clear as the warning banner that graced the lower right hand corner of every issue of Gore Shriek since the very beginning - WARNING! Contains disturbing material and is not intended for children! (However, it is intended for anyone who were once children!)
So what can you expect from this last romp?
For one thing, there is more SPLASH for your STASH! Clocking in at a whopping 56 Pages, this is the largest of the three volumes (the first being 48 and the second being 52 pages, respectfully). There is zero filler here! This book is PACKED to the brim, especially with art! We missed no opportunities to make this book a visual nightmare!
And another thing, the EXTRAS are CRAZY-INSANE ovah here! But don’t take our word for it! Check out all our Limited Edition Pre-Order offers for yourself:
ULTIMATE EDITION (LTD 50 Offers) = $79.99
EXCLUSIVE TO THIS OFFER - Two Copies of Gore Shriek Resurrectus Volume Three, Covers A and B (Signed by series creator, Tom Skulan!)
EXCLUSIVE TO THIS OFFER - A personalized-to-you Death Certificate with unique cause of death (Signed by series creator, “Doctor” Tom Skulan)
EXCLUSIVE TO THIS OFFER - Package of 7 Oversized 6”x9” Collectible Cards
EXCLUSIVE TO THIS OFFER – “STRAY” Short Film w/Extras (BluRay)
EXCLUSIVE TO THIS OFFER - Rough House Signature Hot Sauce (6.7oz)
Reversible Slip Cover, Numbered out of 1000 copies (art by Derek Rook)
Double-Sided Centerfold Poster, stapled into comic book (art by The Gurch)
Official Gore Shriek “Medical Grade” Barf Bag (art by The Gurch)
Gore Shriek Resurrectus Three/Ravenous Double-Sided Guitar Pic
The “Balun Gorezette” 4-page Tabloid Newspaper (by Steve Van Samson)
Double-Sided Post Card (art by The Gurch)
Gore Shriek Resurrectus Three 11x17 “Movie” Poster (art by Jeff Zornow)
Three Stickers (One Sticker EXCLUSIVE TO THIS OFFER)
Specify which cover (A or B) upon purchase (If the front cover is not chosen upon purchase from buyer, Rough House Publishing will default to “Cover A”)
All the extra content associated with the front cover (A or B) that you choose.
Original sketch drawn on reversible slip cover (Separate item from the book)
COVER A EDITION (LTD 450 Copies) = $14.99
One copy of Gore Shriek Resurrectus Volume Three (Cover A) Signed
Reversible Slip Cover, Numbered out of 1000 copies (art by Derek Rook)
Double-Sided Centerfold Poster stapled in comic book (art by The Gurch)
Official Gore Shriek “Medical Grade” Barf Bag (art by The Gurch)
The “Balun Gorezette” Tabloid Newspaper (Written by Steve Van Samson)
Two Stickers
COVER B EDITION (LTD 450 Copies) = $14.99
One copy of Gore Shriek Resurrectus Volume Three (Cover B) Signed
Reversible Slip Cover, Numbered out of 1000 copies (art by Derek Rook)
Gore Shriek Resurrectus Three 11x17 “Movie” Poster (art by Jeff Zornow)
Double-Sided Gore Shriek Resurrectus 3/Ravenous Guitar Pic
Double-Sided Post Card (art by The Gurch)
Two Stickers
So for those unruly beasties out there who are just tuning in, the backstory goes like this: GORE SHRIEK was/is a B&W splatterpunk horror anthology comic book series that was sold at finer comic book shops from 1986 to 1991 courtesy of series creator TOM SKULAN and FANTACO ENTERPRISES. A short time later, the title went dormant.
Fast forward to 2016, Rough House Publishing contacted Tom about “resurrecting” the title for its 30th anniversary - and BOOM! GORE SHRIEK RESURRECTUS was born! It was so much of a bloody good time that we made another one in 2019 and now …we’re doing it AGAIN! Only this time, it’s the LAST time! And we did save the best for the last!
The idea was always to pay homage to the great eras of the series through their flagship artists. With Resurrectus Volume One, it was about original Gore Shriek artist, BRUCE SPAULDING FULLER. Volume Two conjured THE GURCH. With Volume Three we wanted to give a nod to the great and infamous CHAS BALUN who sadly passed away of cancer in 2009. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to obtain any artwork or writings from his estate, but we did dedicate our Gore Shriek newspaper to him with the title “The Balun Gorezette” in the stylings of his old “Gore Score” fanzine that predates all of the horror movie review podcasts of today by literal decades. Chas was one-of-a-kind human being, and one of the first horror influencers WAY before it was cool, …and one of the greatest!
Originally, Gore Shriek Resurrectus was envisioned as a two-parter that would both be released in the same year (2016). Rough House CEO and Artist, Derek Rook recalls that time with fear, loathing and ultimately …reverence. “I will never forget the series of misadventures leading to the release of GORE SHRIEK RESURRECTUS VOLUME TWO (2019). We had hired an amazing group of people for that second issue, including series favorite THE GURCH and for a time, we were going full steam ahead. There was a series of unfortunate incidents that will mercifully go undocumented …but by the end of that ugly comedy of errors, the Italian in me was about to go full tilt Tony Soprano.”
“Ultimately, Volume Two was a great book, in spite of all of the technical difficulties and obstacles. We exceeded expectations in many respects, including a bigger book, tons more extras, lots of accolades from the fans and articles in Rue Morgue, Horrorhound and Fangoria magazine. Problem was, I got into this business to be a comic book artist, and I was wearing so many hats at the time, that I inadvertently benched myself almost completely out of that issue. That, and the entire series just felt - unfinished. There was a lot of flourishes that went by the wayside - even one story (“Lil Darling”) ended up on the cutting room floor. There’s no doubt that Volume Two hit the shelves kicking and uh, …SHRIEKING!”
“During the years that followed, Tom (Skulan) and I had a few hear-to-heart conversations that finally led to the genesis of this final issue. A proper close out not only to what we all considered the “Classic” era of Gore Shriek, but the triumph that we all sustained under some pretty extreme duress. Death, health scares, a global pandemic, the collapse of the convention scene, a writers strike…for a while, the struggle was very real and everyone in the Rough House and Fantaco families felt the crippling weight of that dark time almost to the breaking point.”
The term “Resurrectus” that was coined originally by Mike “Corpse Monger” Wasion back in 2015, now takes on a MUCH different and more poignant meaning. This book IS the collective victory lap of not just us, but our Roughian fans that have believed in us, fought with us, struggled with us and ultimately lived to fight another day with us!
Rough House wanted to keep pushing the needle forward, so we decided to go with a new (and smaller) batch of talented artists including Alex Sarabia (New York Ripper 2), Michael Harper (I See Monsters) and Puis Calzada (Metallica Merch artist). And to add a little flavor of issues past, we had Jeff Zornow (Escape from the Beyond) and The Gurch (Art Most Foul) return in a guest star capacity to provide their artistic flair for a few pages and extras. And Derek Rook’s art is in a LOT more of the book, victoriously.
Rough House Author/Designer, Steve Van Samson had just joined the team in time for the last issue, which included his first-ever comic book story called, “No.Ware.Man.” which was based on a concept by Tom Skulan himself. This time, his contributions to the book were much more substantial with three brand new stories, including “Reservoir Bogs”, “Ravenous” and “Clash of the 21st Century”, …the last of which featuring some surprise kaiju cameos from your favorite infamous schlock films of decades past. It’s a fucking hoot. Wait til you see this! And on top of all that madness, Steve was the brainchild for the aforementioned, “The Balun Gorezette”, which he wrote exclusively. It’s a parody of those old supermarket tabloids that gossips and lampoons old Gore Shriek stories from issues past, while effectively writing new ones, all the while, dropping Easter eggs for the hardcore fanbase to discover and decipher along the way!
Monster scribe Mike Wasion, who has since moved on to other publishing projects including “Slaughtered Kingdom” and the forthcoming “Death Mask” courtesy of Bloody Gore Comix, returns with a tale inspired from a story concept by Mario Bruni (Mars Attacks) and Bruce Spaulding Fuller titled, “This Slaughterhouse Earth”, which promises to send the series off with a loud, earth-shattering, motherfucking FAZOOM!!
Wanna get a feel for what’s coming your way in justa’ bouta’ month? READ ON!
KILL ‘EM ALL! (Gore Shriek Resurrectus Three - story synopses)
LIL DARLING – Predators are everywhere. And we mean, EVERYWHERE! But even for Apex scumbags in wait, there is a home where they can be properly pampered, cared for and loved. Written and drawn by DEREK ROOK.
RESERVOIR BOGS – Young love knows no bounds, nor boundaries. When three former besties return to enact a reunion of their pre-college years, secrets are revealed that promise purge the depths of their own lurid past. Written by STEVE VAN SAMSON, penciled by DEREK ROOK and inked by MICHAEL HARPER.
RAVENOUS – Nothing says Saturday night like local rock bands, beer, babes and …mysterious creatures that snatch fans into the sky before they fulfill their meet and greet packages? The truth is stranger than fiction …even THIS fiction. Written by STEVE VAN SAMSON, penciled by ALEX SARABIA and inked by DEREK ROOK.
CLASH OF THE 21st CENTURY – Canada better have upped its property insurance to include “Acts of Kaiju” because when they decide to settle a grudge match in downtown Vancouver, it becomes an unofficial sequel to three schlock films of decades past! Written by STEVE VAN SAMSON and drawn by PUIS CALZADA.
A SMALL SACRIFICE – Birth is always painful. Written and drawn by DEREK ROOK.
THE DEVIL WHO STRAYED – When a serial killer is released back into the wild after a botched mistrial, he soon realizes that the court of public opinion comes in many forms. Written and Drawn by DEREK ROOK (and is a sidequel to a short film titled STRAY) with characters created by DAN BLACK.
THIS SLAUGHTERHOUSE EARTH – This finale episode ends the only way that it logically could after three issues of carnage candy – With a nice, peaceful Midwestern visit to Sunday Mass. If you have any sins to confess, now is the time. Written by MIKE WASION and drawn by MICHAEL HARPER.
Gore Shriek Resurrectus Volume Three is being worked on day and night to meet a projected late Spring 2025 release! PRE-ORDERS BEGIN THURSDAY MARCH 6th 2025 at 7PM EST, so if you are a Gore Shriek or just an indie horror comics fan, now is the time to come and support one of the greats! We expect many tiers to sell out FAST so be the first in line when pre-orders open! Til then, here’s blood in yer eye!