BLACK HONEY and Other Unsavory Things, the 2nd literary Rough House slab of creator-owned nightmare fuel, and the first to collaborate the fantastical writings of novelist, STEVE VAN SAMSON with the horror laiden art of DEREK ROOK to produce one bloody/sweet collection of short horror tales to keep the Halloween vibe going well past its expiration date!
Rander Belmorn is far from home. He searches tirelessly for the one man who might be able to cure his dying son, but time is running out. The road, a frozen waste at the very edge of the world with a single lingering question …How do you kill a witch? And with that slogan ROUGH HOUSE releases their first full-length novel, MARK OF THE WITCHWYRM™! This is dark fantasy, …Rough House Publishing Style!
Crawling from the unhallowed grave of print media, and given new life for the digital age, ROUGH HOUSE PUBLISHING throws open the gates of Hell, and unleashes (the former FANGORIA column favorite) MIKE WASION’S COMIC CASKET lives!!!… in a new format, in a new forum, and now, with a brand new name, …Enter the BLOOD CLOTS!
JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT WAS SAFE TO SPLASH IN THE SPLATTER!!!! Rough House Publishing announces the long-awaited comic book SEQUEL, GORE SHRIEK® RESURRECTUS VOLUME TWO! On MAY 24th, 2019 online pre-orders for the sequel to their FantaCo Enterprises licensed GORE SHRIEK® property went live, and this time they firmly promise that all “heads will roll” with this epic second installment! THE WARNING’S RIGHT ON THE COVER!
2019 marked a slew of new beginnings for the merry band of bastids known as ROUGH HOUSE PUBLISHING! With several new acquisitions and releases pending, we did manage to stop the van long enough to hit a truck stop bathroom, paid a Worcester hooker to get bent, …and brought on a new permanent member of the ROUGH HOUSE ARMY!
Join us in welcoming Rough House’s newest recruit, STEVE VAN SAMSON!
ROUGH HOUSE PUBLISHING announces GORE SHRIEK® RESURRECTUS, the ongoing series which promises a return to the “Fangoria Age” of America’s most infamous horror comic book property! Each issue will be limited to 1000 copies and are expected to be devoured as fast as they are printed. And once gone, they are gone! The Resurrectus series is all about the future of the series, while honoring it’s past and the creators who made it all possible.
Hide anything that’s not stuck to the seat, fight your sex surrogate back into the dumpster and cancel your subscription to “BEAUTIFUL WORCESTER” because America’s favorite EQUAL OPPORTUNIST EXPLOITER has finally made its way to the interwebs, … ROUGH HOUSE PUBLISHING is in the, um, …house. Heh.
THE WAIT IS FINALLY OVER!!! After six long years, Rough House Publishing announces the release of the FINAL ISSUE of their trilogy of 1980’s horror comic book anthologies with, GORE SHRIEK RESURRECTUS VOLUME THREE! Rough House Publishing and Fantaco Enterprises ensures that THIS IS THE ONE YOU’VE BEEN SHRIEKING FOR!